6/28/2016: I (heart) beer 2
I have a folder on my computer that shuffles desktop pics of modern architecture, pics of women I find artistic/attractive, and high quality photos from all over the world. I currently have it on a shuffle that changes the pic every 5 minutes. The desktop just changed to this picture and I realized something interesting (look closely):
If you don't see it, she has a poster on her right with "I (heart) BEER 2" on it...and she is staring at my beer.
I know. This seems staged. Why would I waste time doing that? My entire life, friends, family, money, career, health, has been sacrificed over the last 5+ years because I'm devoted to discovering the truth about why my reality is the way it is.
This kind of "magic" happens all the time for me, and occasionally it happens to be pretty hilarious.
7/20/2016: Blue Pigment
I’ve been doing heavy TV deflection/research over the last couple months, where I do not provide any warmth to the characters on screen. I do not focus my eyes (which act as sunlight/spotlights) on anyone or anything. I keep them moving constantly and I do not think anything while I’m watching. This, in turn, creates very cold/blue energy. When that happens, the colors on screen, which are simply a reflection of me/what they believe I resonate with, end up turning shades of blue or purple.
A lot of EXTREME blue color has been showing up recently, while I’m deflecting. A number of my “I Am Truthor!” videos on youtube show this happening during this time period. Below are screenshots of the crazy blue I'm talking about, taken directly from the videos of me watching the TV live. And no, the colors of my TV are not on some weird setting. The TV is set to standard settings.
Notice the weird blue cap by his arm in this one (I have not altered the colors in these screenshots in any way):
In another video, notice the blue, particularly on the guy with the super bright blue pants. It almost doesn’t seem real, just like the cap of the bottle in the pic above:
Well, today, it was suddenly announced that scientists have discovered a new blue pigment, which is the EXACT COLOR of a number of the blues depicted on screen that seem to be showing up as a result of me watching in the manner I do:
Here are screenshots of the two videos I used in the example screenshots above, to show you the dates they were created (June 9, July 10th), which was just prior to the "new blue pigment" discovery nonsense of July 20th. I have other examples, but I don't have the energy to search all my videos right now:
Those screenshots are to show you the date those videos were created just to show you that the timing was right before that new blue pigment was discovered. Yes, ladies and gentlemen (and aliens, ghosts, AI, whoever else is really here), scientists are discovering new pigments because of me. Bow to your blue master.
(actually, I know I’m just a puppet/pawn)
4/22/2016: pearl is prince
Prince died on April 21. The very next day it is revealed that someone named “Pearl Mackie” will be Dr. Who’s next “assistant" on the long running Dr. Who series in the UK:
I look up Pearl Mackie, who I’ve never heard of before, and she absolutely has Prince’s eyes. She almost looks like she could be his daughter or a less attractive female clone of himself.
I check out the trailer for the show and she is clearly wearing a shirt depicting a poster from Prince’s bedroom in the movie Purple Rain, which was also used on the inner sleeve of the original vinyl of the album of the same name. Here she is in a tweet, wearing the shirt:
Notice in that tweet above that someone is commenting with "who?". It’s because this is some actress that nobody knows of, who’s just appeared out of thin air.
A couple interesting facts: Pearl Mackie was born in 1987, the height of Prince's fame. Her name on Dr. Who is “Bill”, which is obviously odd (man’s name, name of my father). And obviously the whole "her name begins with P” thing, which would relate to Prince (P). I believe first initials are a major key to this reality.
I theorize that Prince died and was instantly “reborn (re-spawned?)" as this new female clone. The shirt/album cover is clearly illustrating a male/female split (b+w, etc) and the movie Purple Rain actually depicts a metaphoric battle between his mother (female) and father (male), who are actually just a depiction of his inner self/sides fighting with each other.
Eventually in the movie, his father kills himself and it actually leads to Prince letting go of his masculine dominance and he becomes a softer, kinder person. More feminine, in nature.
Here’s another Pearl Mackie pic, where I feel she absolutely resembles Prince in a cloned form (the eyes are the key):
Nearly a year later, an article will claim the Purple Rain shirt thing was a "coincidence" and that the show/trailer was filmed months before Prince died:
UPDATE: Years later, an associate of mine, sent me the very first scene in the “Bill Potts” Dr. Who era. Sure enough it ABSOLUTELY concretes my theory about it being Prince’s new incarnation/clone. Watch how a loud electric guitar is featured at the very beginning of the clip and how the Doctor beings out an album. Prince is considered one of the best electric guitarists of all time.
The Doctor also specifically asks his eventual new companion why she has been coming to his lectures. I believe this is an indication that Prince was watching Dr. Who in the years leading up to his death and when he died, he simply moved on to a new “entertainment” universe that he wanted to be part of. I’m only including the 1st minute, which is most important:
The whole thing is just more proof that this place is much more complicated than most people care to contemplate.
11/4/2016: trump troll
A movie called “Trolls” just happens to be released the week of the 2016 Presidential Election that Donald Trump, one of the biggest trolls of all time (I don’t give a fuck about politics and whether or not you like him or hate him, it’s just a fact), ends up winning? Just more proof this place is scripted:
The "Trump Card" is the Joker in most card games that utilize it. Trump is often referred to as “The Trickster”. Not to mention that Don's own son, Don Jr, was born on December 31st, which is the only day of the year that does not get an actual playing card in The Magi's/Olney Richmond's/Robert Camp's card system that I learned about in 1998 and that I believe absolutely translates to people in the real world.
December 31st is assigned THE JOKER. It's the only day out of 365 days with this card (all the other days of the calendar get normal playing cards):
So, Donald Trump (the Trump card, the Joker), literally has a Jr. son who is a Joker in the main card system based on him being born on the single day out of 365 possibilities that results in being assigned the Joker.
There is also a correlation between my older brother, also named Don, scaring/torturing me with those weird little troll dolls when I was very young. Now a Don is President and he's basically the biggest troll of all time, and it all coincides with the movie “Trolls” coming out right when he won.
Not to mention, my brother's birthdate adds up to 31/4, JUST LIKE BOTH Donald Trump Sr and Donald Trump Jr (yup, all three of these people have birthdates that add up to 31/4).
And, I just discovered that this is something that exists (it’s based off one of those little troll dolls I mentioned above):
2/24/2018: lord of the air
On one of two conspiracy forums I frequent, I read a post by someone who used the term “lord of the air”, which is something I’ve never heard before:
Then, ON THE SAME DAY, someone actually refers to me as that exact title, Lord of the Air, in the comments on one of my own youtube videos:
(youtube does not put the actual day in their comment time stamps, so, the best I could do while going back to grab these screenshots for proof is to take a screenshot of today’s screenshot, to show you that it’s March 10 (you can see it at the top in the image above) and the “2 weeks ago” showing on the youtube comment is Feb 24th, the same day of the GLP forum post above it.)
My name is also Aaron, which is basically pronounced "air on". If you reverse the words:
Maybe this is a major clue into the meaning of my existence here?
4/11/2017: anne v
Matt Harvey is pitching for the Mets right now and I’m drinking and following along and posting crazy shit on the Mets forum I frequent. I’m really getting into it and just trying to have fun. Matt is pitching really well (probably as a result of me doing what I'm doing, because somehow the ability of certain players seems tied to how I'm behaving) (yeah, I know, I’m crazy).
Suddenly this Architectural Digest “liked tweet” shows up on my Twitter feed:
Anne V is a model who I’ve rarely seen featured in the news and she is someone I haven’t heard about in years. The only reason I even know she exists is because she also JUST HAPPENS TO BE the first celebrity (or semi-celebrity) that Matt Harvey (the guy pitching right now) dated…in 2013, four years ago:
That “liked tweet” showed up on my feed not because I follow Anne V on Twitter but because I follow Architectural Digest and they just happened to “like” a tweet she made 6 hours ago from her own account. AND, they just happened to do it while Matt was pitching and when I would be paying attention with my eyes.
Everything that happens here is on purpose and Anne V most likely only appeared on my feed because I somehow let Matt Harvey into my heart or mind because I was paying attention to him and providing him energy at that moment. She is not really famous and like I said, I hadn't seen or heard anything about her in years.
As soon as Matt was inside me/using me and had access to my eyes, an ex girlfriend of his, who I don’t follow on Twitter, suddenly shows up on my feed, where I currently follow only 15 people out of over 300 million active users. The chances of this kind of coincidence is statistically impossible. It happened on purpose because this reality is a lie and I'm being used.
After I noticed this was occurring, I immediately decided to stop paying attention to the game, and to Matt. Matt suddenly got a cramp in his thigh and had to leave the game:
Here is another pic of them together. Notice his eyes and how one is more closed than the other. I have this exact same issue and I’m sure there is a connection and it's probably related to one of our eyes beings used as a camera by whoever controls this reality:
My eyes:
UPDATE: It's 2 months later, June 9th, and Matt Harvey will be pitching again this evening. So, what happens? I suddenly receive another Anne V related tweet, after not seeing anything about her since the entry/game above:
Once again, I do not follow her or anyone related to her. It’s an Architectural Digest story about her (you know, just your average major spread featuring a model that no one knows of). It’s clearly on purpose and related to Matt pitching again.
NOTE: it's also Friday, which is Crown Chakra day, where collecting the color purple is supposedly important and she's laying on a purple couch, which may be an act of “gifting” me the color.
[further explanation of the "chakra days” theory]
This is the game that Matt pitched. I'm just posting it so you can see it was on the same day as the tweet I got above:
3/21/2017: leos/chucks
4 months ago, singer Leonard Cohen died. When I heard he died, I immediately confused him with Leon Russell, the singer with the long white hair and beard (both their names start with Leo and I’m only familiar with a couple songs from each):
Leon Russell, not Leonard Cohen.
6 days later, Leon Russell ALSO died:
Flash forward to 3 days ago when rock legend, Chuck Berry, died. I began thinking about Chuck Barris, the guy from the Gong Show, because their names are so similar.
Well, today, 3 days later, Chuck Barris ALSO died:
I theorize that so many people did the exact same thing I did when the first of each duo died (they either confused the person for the other person or simply thought about the other one who had a similar name) and it somehow caused the second person to also die. The second person of each duo (Leon Russell, Chuck Barris) received so much accidental attention that it somehow led to their deaths, as well.
Maybe dying is the goal, since this place absolutely seems like some subtle version of hell. These people in entertainment sell their souls in some way to get there, so maybe the goal it to get out and the only way to do that is through receiving enough attention?
I mean, the other two who died, seemingly as a result of people dying with similar names, weren't getting much attention at this point in their careers, which have been over for years. So, maybe it was just some kind of icing on the cake for them and they could finally let go and die, as well?
Mind fuck reality.
1/21/2015: if you can’t eat 'em, drink 'em
After eating at an Australian pot pie place, John, Bill (my father) and I were walking down the street. They were talking in double meaning, coded language and I purposely avoided being involved, just like I purposely avoided talking to the owner of the pie place, which they were doing after we finished eating.
I know everything here is a set up and somehow the "simulation" wanted me to be involved in the conversation, but I wouldn't bite and just stood in the street.
As we began walking down the sidewalk, suddenly a hot girl was walking across the street towards us and I checked her out for a split second and John said “at least we can always go back there to eat”.
Even though it seemed like they were talking about the pie place, I knew it was double meaning, coded language about eating my sexual energy (orange energy/sexual/2nd chakra).
[further explanation of the "chakra days” theory]
“Go back” meant go back to that lower frequency color in the spectrum. THIS IS EXACTLY how my reality works. It's lightning fast and the people around me are speaking in double meanings to each other. They’re seemingly being shadowed by agents who are using their bodies to speak to each other, about me, in secret.
So, when I heard them say what they said, I stopped checking out the girl and didn't give her the energy that was expected.
I then told them I knew that they were speaking in double meanings about eating my energy and I began to ramble about the whole thing, which = up in my head (mental, higher frequency, rather than lower frequency).
At that moment, a bus drove up right next to us and it had a sign on it that said “If you can't eat em, drink em” (I can't find a pic of a bus with the sign on it but here it is on a billboard):
Once again I knew it was related to me and was a coded message. It was being projected into my reality, instantly, and was about them eating my energy (sexual, lower frequency) vs. drinking my energy (brainwaves, higher frequency). The veggies in the billboard represent the exact middle between the two sides (green, heart chakra, neutral, a vegetable).
Even if you don't fully buy that what I'm saying is absolutely happening, just the fact that I verbalized that I knew they were trying to eat my energy and how that statement was immediately followed up by a bus coming right beside us, with "if you can't eat them" on it, is enough to prove this shit is real.
They were both there, they both witnessed it, they can both substantiate it, because I said it all out loud while it was happening. They both brushed it off as not actually meaning anything...as usual.
THIS IS THE REASON, the MAIN FUCKING REASON, I cannot interact in the real world anymore. The main reason I cannot have legitimate relationships anymore. The main reason I don't trust a single person anymore.
I mean, these people are supposedly my family and friends and it's crystal clear they are speaking in double meanings to cover up the true meanings of what they are communicating with each other about, even if they don’t realize it. It's disturbing and when this is happening, I feel I'm truly residing in some kind of hell and I lose all motivation to do anything remotely positive in my life.
9/5/2017: pink yoga
Welp, it’s a Tuesday, which means more collecting green and pink nonsense, which corresponds with the heart chakra.
[further explanation of the "chakra days” theory]
One of the first things I see, because it’s purposely put DIRECTLY IN MY VIEW, are these super bright pink mats being set up across from my hotel (Bryant Park Hotel) for a public yoga session this morning:
I mean, that some SERIOUS pink and green happening, wouldn't you say?
Here is proof that this is happening on a Tuesday (pink/green, heart chakra day):
These pink mat yoga gatherings in the park only happen on Tuesdays, for 3 months each summer. I guess they picked the right day :/
10/10/2017: hammer and sickle
The Amazon food delivery guy delivered my lunch wearing all green. Green everything, including a fucking green Yankees hat. I don't have proof of this because I don't take pics of people as proof, but why would I make it up?
Of course it’s Tuesday, which means I’m supposed to collect green and pink, which correspond with the heart chakra.
[further explanation of the "chakra days” theory]
I’m getting tons of green and pink “gifts” today (as in being gifted the color flashes) seemingly to help activate my heart chakra…or whatever the fuck it means. But, this is the best one. This is the current view from my hotel room patio:
A green and pink hammer and sickle? Have you ever seen a pink and green hammer and sickle? On the same day some guy delivers my food wearing a green Yankees cap? Have you ever seen a green Yankees cap in person?
list of all entries from all pages, ordered by date.