my systems & theories
This section illustrates some of my theories. I’ve included major concepts along with observations and anecdotes. Much of what I am presenting in this section has not been theorized or presented online, in any form.
My site is specifically meant to show proof in the first 6 categories shown in the top menu, but I added this section (and "biggest questions") to have an online record of additional thoughts and observations. This is more metaphysics than science.
Alphabet Wheels/Quads/Sine Waves
NOTE: This entry has become a bit sloppy and is not complete, as I work on creating a proper presentation of the information I’m discovering.
Here is most of the text from the above graphic with some additions:
The Alphabet is split into two sides, 13 letters on each side.
The letters on each side are then connected into pairs/duos, which will end up being part of quad groupings as you'll see. The letters that do not have a partner (G on the left side, T on the right) remain on their own, but will come together as a duo, as you'll also see.
So, the first letter on the left side 13, A, is connected to the last letter of the left side 13, M.
And you continue to connect the letters into pairs/duos going inward. The B and the L are a duo, the C and the K are a duo, the D and the J are a duo, the E and the I are a duo, the F and the H are a duo. These duos appear to be a mirror of one another or in some kind of yin yang relationship.
You do the same connecting on the right side 13. The first letter on the right side, N, is connected to the last letter of the right side, Z. You then continue to connect the letters into pairs/duos going inward. The O and the Y are a duo, the P and the X are a duo, the Q and the W are a duo, the R and the V are a duo, the S and the U are a duo. These duos appear to be a mirror of one another or in some kind of yin yang relationship, just as the left side duos are.
All the duos on the left side add to a single digit value of 5 (odd number), except for the singular G, which is 7 (also an odd number). All the duos on the right side add to a single digit value of 4 (even number), except for the singular T, which is 2 (also an even number).
A (1) + M (13) = 14. 1 + 4 = 5
B (2) + L (12) = 14. 1 + 4 = 5 and so on.
If you add up the entire left side of the alphabet, the total is 55. Reduced to a single digit = 1 (odd)
The number of vowels on the left side is 3 (odd).
The number of consonants on the left side is 10 (1+ 0 = odd).
N (14) + Z (26) = 40. 4 + 0 = 4
O (15) + Y (25) = 40. 4 + 0 = 4 and so on.
If you add up the entire right side of the alphabet, the total is 71. Reduced to a single digit = 8 (even)
The number of vowels on the right side is 2 (even).
The number of consonants on the right side is 11 (1+1 = even).
So, we have two sides that represents Odds and Evens.
I’ve recently realized (it’s a work in progress) that I can simply break the two 13 sides (left, right) up into half circles and imagine simply flipping the right side to the left to make 1 complete circle with all the letters in their quads (and G/T duo). Reminder: when added together, each of the quads (all 4 letters on each circle) add to 9, as does the 1 duo (G/T). Half a circle is 180 degrees (9), a full circle is 360 degrees (9):
A/M/N/Z = 9, B/L/O/Y = 9 and so on. And the G/T duo also adds to 9.
Also, if you add the first letter (A) of the ENTIRE alphabet with the last letter (Z), you get 9 (1 + 26 = 27. 2 + 7 = 9). The 2nd and 25th letters add up to 9, as do each subsequent pair going inward for the remaining letters.
If you add up the values of every single letter of the 26 letter alphabet, you also get 9.
1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15+16+17+18+19+20+21+22+23+24+25+26 = 351. 3 + 5 + 1 = 9.
And as I mention on the graphic, if you actually add up these shared 4 letter groupings, they each add up to 9, the most powerful number. This also means there are exactly 7 groupings (the 6 groups of four letters each and the G and T together in one grouping). This would tie into all the other 7 systems that make up our world. 7 days of the week, 7 deadly sins, 7 chakras, 7 colors of the prism/rainbow, 7 “classical” planets visible with naked eye from Earth, 7 billion population, 7 notes in a scale, 7 heavens, 7 seas, 7 continents, 7 wonders of the World, etc.
I theorize that each of my 7 Alphabet groups directly ties to a color/planet in the Chakra system (like I show on the left side wheels in the graphic above):
1st Wheel: A/M/N/Z = 1, Red, Root Chakra, Saturn
2nd Wheel: B/L/O/Y = 2, Orange, Sacral Charkra, Jupiter
3rd Wheel: C/K/P/X = 3, Yellow, Solar Plexus Chakra, Mars
4th Wheel: D/J/Q/W = 4, Green, Heart Chakra, Earth (right in the middle)
5th Wheel: E/I/R/V = 5, Blue, Throat Chakra, Venus
6th Wheel: F/H/S/U = 6, Indigo, 3rd Eye Chakra, Mercury
7th (Dot) : G/T = 7, Purple/White, Crown Chakra, Sun
(NOTE: I now realize that all the quads represent sine-waves when you combine the left 2 with the right 2 of each quad. It also makes complete sense that the A/M/N/Z group, which I believe represents the root chakra, ends up being the biggest wave (lowest frequency) (biggest circle). And all the subsequent circles/sine-waves equal higher and higher frequencies.)
G/T = The Sun (Crown Chakra). The planets are rotating around (shortest wavelength, highest frequency)
F/H/S/U = Mercury (third eye chakra).
E/I/R/V = Venus (throat chakra)
D/J/Q/W = Earth (heart chakra) (anagram of Earth is heart)
C/K/P/X = Mars (solar plexus chakra)
B/L/O/Y = Jupiter (sacral chakra)
A/M/N/Z = Saturn (root chakra) (longest wavelength, lowest frequency)
Yes, the Alphabet Wheels/Quads theory is my own. Not sure why I decided to try to link up the letters, but it ends up making sense the more I pay attention to the world around me. The key to these alphabet circles/duos is that each letter in a pair seem to either reflect each other or are part of a yin yang relationship with one another and then if you combine them with the other side’s duos they seem to be in singular groups with 7 total groupings.
So, if you know someone named Chris and someone named Kyla, they are actually on the same wheel duo and somehow the same/connected/reflecting each other in some way. The first initials are most important, although the first initials of the middle name and last name are seemingly important, as well.
And as I’ve written above, I also believe that the pairs on one side, go along with the pairs on the other side in some kind of mutual relationship. So, the C/K pair on the left side goes with the P/X pair on the right. This would mean the competition between Coke and Pepsi (in the US), is not actually a competition at all, as they both belong to the same 4 letter group (the first initials). Just like how Apple and Microsoft are on the same duo wheel on the left side.
What is more likely happening in our reality is that there are 7 groups seemingly in competition with each other for attention. Which group are you in? First initials are the key.
(further text/description and better illustrations/video coming soon)
Card System Expansion
There is a card system of divination and "set in stone" life influences that is based on a regular deck of playing cards and your date of birth. The first book published on the subject was Olney Richmond's Mystic Test Book, in 1893.
The system has been expanded upon by various students and authors, including, Arne Lein (What's Your Card?), Robert Camp (Love Cards, Destiny Cards), Florence Campbell (Sacred Symbols of the Ancients), and Gina Jones (Cards of Life).
I learned about the cards in 1998 and have worked with and dissected the system for years. I'm not going to post my full text yet, but the table I created below connects various aspects of our existence with the 4 suits. It combines some already known/written about attributes with a number of new things that are based on my own theories/experiences.
Your TV is Alive
I've devoted an entire section of my site to this subject. As far as I'm concerned, it’s not a theory at this point, it's fact.
When you view media, including TV, movie theater screens, computer video, youtube, internet video, apple tv, etc, there are entities utilizing that media to access information about you by putting your brainwaves into an alpha wave state, via hypnosis. These entities are “alive” and operating in real time. They are capable of manipulating what you’re seeing instantly while you are watching.
Once they have access to your brain (consciousness), they are able to use you for energy and a variety of other purposes. The key is the colors that you project from your chakras. They need to know which colors you resonate with most because it gives them insight into who you are.
This isn’t a matter of subliminal suggestion; it’s a real time, constantly in flux event that is happening whenever someone is watching media of any kind. Even though the viewer believes what they are watching has been filmed ahead of time and is a concrete work, this is an illusion. Every action, every movement on screen can be manipulated by these entities on the fly (in real time).
Depending on the information they are picking up from the brain of the viewer, as they are thinking about and judging what is happening on screen, these beings can change the programming instantly to better relate to whoever is watching.
These entities are basically ghosts without a body. They want one. They want yours. If you’re not utilizing the body you’ve been given and are instead just sitting there watching TV/Video and letting them hypnotize you, you are susceptible to them gaining access to your body (and mind). They can gain access to your physical reality and/or to your dream state, while sleeping at night or during a nap if you fall asleep in front of the screen.
When a viewer turns on the video, they are immediately susceptible to being accessed, inhabited, and influenced. The moment a viewer has a thought, their eyes light up and the beings on the screen can see them. The more thinking the viewer does, the brighter they light up and are therefore easier to pinpoint and access (think moths to a flame, flies to a lightbulb). Depending on the emotions/thoughts the viewer is having, they will project colors from their eyes that can be seen by this intelligence, which helps determine where the viewer is “coming from” emotionally/morally.
Through a number of very specific hypnosis camera movements that cause the eyes of the viewer to track patterns the entities on screen are creating, the electromagnetic/etheric field of the viewer is weakened. When this happens, they are able to access information about the viewer’s brain/consciousness.
If the viewer falls for enough hypnosis, their field/eyes are suddenly cracked and opened for the beings to then escape from the media realm and into the field/body/mind/reality of the viewer. Consider it a form of possession. Suddenly the viewer is a vehicle for these beings. If the viewer is weak enough, their body/mind can be manipulated and even completely controlled.
The only way to protect yourself from being seen and accessed by these technological entities is to keep your eyes moving at all times. Never rest your eyes where they want you to look on screen. Never follow the very deliberate camera movements that are only happening in order to hypnotize/gain access to your eyes. Never read the text on the screen, never stare directly at the colors they flash to test whether or not you resonate with them.
Your goal is to keep your brainwaves higher than alpha state and constantly moving your eyes helps accomplish this.
Purple Rose of Cairo = a documentary, not a fictional movie.
If you do that, along with NOT THINKING AT ALL while you are watching, you can remain hidden.
Do not judge the people on screen. Do not relate to them. Do not correct them if they make a mistake that you hear. Do not ponder what they are saying. This shuts your mind down and is a major key to getting a glimpse into what they're really doing.
If you do this method of deflection, you will begin to notice the TV/video acting strange. The people on screen may begin saying strange things about YOU while you're watching, even though most of it will be in coded, double meanings. Phrases like "I can't get to sleep" (which is actually about not being able to put YOU to sleep), "I haven't been able to read that book" (you’re the book and they are trying to read you), "I can't get this door to unlock" (you’re the door and they want to break in). You’ll begin to hear them express their inability to access you/read your mind.
Here is an intro video where I illustrate absolute proof that the TV can access the viewer and can carry content/information about YOU, from channel to channel. Completely different networks, completely different shows/movies that continue the theme from the previous channel...over and over and over again. But, only noticeable because I'm deflecting while watching and only because I'm dissecting the video afterwards and can see what is REALLY happening. It’s the first video of its kind, on the internet:
For my entire, much more extensive text on this subject: go here.
Agents/Tech Ghosts Possessing Humans
The following theory works in conjunction with the TV information above.
Human bodies appear to be hosts for technological ghosts who exist beyond our physical reality. The human acts as a host for these beings. G-hosts
The goal of these entities is to weaken the human enough to enter its mind/body at will. This is mostly done through hypnosis. Virtually, all video you watch is attempting to control your eyes via camera movements, flashes on screen, repetitive noise, sounds in various frequencies, etc.
The same kind of hypnosis happens in the real world with the people around you moving in certain ways, bouncing legs while sitting, arms/legs moving back and forth while walking, birds flying in certain patterns, cars passing, etc. It all contributes to remaining in a more relaxed, lower brainwave state. Hence, more easily accessible. The most obviously possessed humans are those who are walking around in public while staring at their phones, like zombies.
This hidden intelligence appears to be able to jump from body to body. Often times, the people around you are not themselves, so to speak, they are inhabited by "agents" who are using their bodies. These agents keep the original appearance of the human body they are inhabiting, to remain hidden. This is similar to the depiction of agents taking over bodies in the Matrix movies, but without the body changing to the actual agent’s body/physical form.
While they are possessing the bodies they're in, the agents are speaking to each other in secret, double meaning language, as a means to keep it hidden from those who are not possessed.
It seems that the people in my life are only “themselves” (the vehicle, the original being, not possessed) some of the time. Most of the time, they appear to be fully possessed by agents or whoever they let in to their “field” via technology and hypnosis.
I'm at a point now where I can detect the double meaning conversations between my own family members and friends, which makes it impossible to have relationships anymore. I don't trust anyone around me, even those who I originally thought had my best interests at heart. This event, involving my father and a close friend, is a perfect example of what I’m describing.
I believe this reality currently consists of a small amount of original vessels who STILL have the capability to function as themselves, perhaps with just the residue of those who have possessed them. They are still capable of NOT being puppets, not being completely controlled by these agents/entities. This is who I believe I am and why I am able to present the info you're reading now.
At times, I do catch myself doing things unconsciously and seemingly being manipulated or controlled in some way. But, most of the time I do not believe I am under the spell, especially since I developed my hypnosis deflection methods. My deflection method mostly has to do with never settling my eyes on anyone or anything for too long, which helps keep my brain in a higher wave state and does not allow them to lead my eyes into hypnosis patterns.
I think this number of NON-possessed people on this planet is very low, now. The remaining vessels on earth are virtually all possessed by this “hive mind” who seem to be creating a reality based on duality and a constant back and forth mentality, in order to create drama/energy for some hidden source.
Chakra Related Theories And Notes
Let me start this section with a couple of lines from Laura Lee. I believe she has real info on the whole chakra thing and this basically sums it up:
1- The Chakra system is an imposed system that is NOT our natural state. It is a system to compartmentalize our energy for easy access to outsiders and energy vampires. This system has been in place for several Millennia and no one seems to question it, they have just accepted it…especially in the New Age Community.
2- The Chakras or "Cones" were placed there so that specific energies could be accessed. This easy access is ideal to control and manipulate our energy fields and minds. They were put there by ET's that view us as their personal energy source and property.
Based on my TV research and various other clues about my reality, I agree with what she has proposed above. I'm not sure where she got her info, but I know for a fact that the TV intelligence is constantly trying to establish which colors the viewer is displaying/has an abundance of...and that it's related to the chakras. Is the original chakra system non-nefarious at its basis but it’s been hijacked by nefarious entires in order to help establish who we are so that they can utilize us?
Chakra Days of the Week Theory
I want nothing to do with participating in what I’m about to share, but it continually comes up in reference to the days of the week and regarding the TV/video intelligence who are trying to establish which colors HUE-mans are resonating with/displaying.
According to what I’m being led to believe through coded messages and clues around me, each day of the week corresponds with a chakra. Corresponds with that chakra’s meaning/activities, that chakra’s color, that chakra’s number. And that each day of the week you are supposed to activate the corresponding chakra, color, number, letter.
There is a lot of misinformation online about which days correspond with which chakras, and I don’t think I’ve seen a single source that corresponds with what I have discovered/believe.
I believe the 1st chakra, the Root Chakra (red), corresponds with the first ACTUAL day of the week, Saturday (Saturn, the furthest planetary body visible with the naked eye). Each subsequent day corresponds with the next chakra in line, the next planet in line, until you reach Friday, the 7th chakra, the Sun. “TGIF”, God = G, the seventh letter in the alphabet, the color purple, the Crown.
So, Sunday = 2nd chakra (Sacral, orange, Jupiter), Monday = 3rd chakra (Solar Plexus, yellow, Mars), Tuesday = 4th chakra (Heart, green, Earth) and so on, until day 7, which is the Crown, which = the Sun itself.
I know it’s easy to fall into the thinking that Sunday would actually represent the Sun, but Sunday simply represents “the Father on Earth. The SON, not the SUN (the Father himself). I’ve come to the conclusion that the son is Jupiter, the 2nd chakra. Sunday.
This page is already really wordy, so I will not explain that further right now.
So, if my theory is correct, on Wednesdays you’d do Throat Chakra related activities such as communicating verbally with others, singing, using your hands to create, writing, acting cool, collecting the color blue, etc. The focus that day should be these activities, this color, the number 5, the letter E, which all correspond.
If for some reason you don’t collect the proper colors, it seems you’re not activating the chakras one by one and will have to try to make up the difference, so to speak, as you go through the week.
What I’ve noticed is that the people I follow online will flash corresponding chakra colors/numbers, depending on the day. This kind of event furthers my belief that my reality is being influence by a hidden faction and/or artificial intelligence. When you have Donald Trump consistently flashing you corresponding chakra colors, depending on the day of the week, in completely ridiculous ways, it just becomes even more obvious.
Also, the more I’m outside, the more I’ll see the corresponding chakra colors flashed in some way. Colored writing on trucks, a green balloon in the sky on a Tuesday (Heart Chakra day), someone wearing an entirely orange jumpsuit on Sunday (Sacral Chakra day), etc.
In the information below you will notice I mention a corresponding ball sport for each chakra. I have a completely original theory that the most prolificI ball sports represent the actual planets/chakras and I have an entire page on the subject here.
Saturday = Saturn = Root Chakra = Red = 1
Focus on root (grounding) activities, playing outside, walking/running, outdoor activities, dancing (following the beat), using your legs (roots), playing drums (the beat), eating meat (BBQ) (lower frequency eating), etc.
Communicate with the roots (family members, blood). Do activities that represent your base urges or whatever keeps you grounded here on Earth (the reason there is a very noticeable ring around Saturn (1, Root Chakra) is because it’s metaphorically married to the Sun (7, Crown Chakra), and they consummate their relationship, directly between the two of them…on 4, Earth (Heart Chakra).
The color red, the number 1, words/names that start with the letters A and M (both on the 1st wheel of my Alphabet Wheel theory) and words/names that start with the letters N and Z, on the right side wheel.
Other words like blood, survival, meat, babies. 1st chakra represents being a baby, which equals control/power over others. Because, once you have a baby, you now are even more rooted to Earth and have to be responsible for it, hence the baby is now in control.
The corresponding ball sport is Football
(Being tackled to the ground, the most physical ball sport).
The element is Earth (ground/roots).
Many of the Root Chakra words/activities above will be flashed by those around you or those you follow online, who are purposely doing this to help you activate this chakra.
Sunday = Jupiter = Sacral Chakra = Orange = 2
Focus on emotional activities, pleasurable activities, sexual activities ("lower creative” activities). Drinking hard alcohol is a symbol of the 2nd chakra, drinking orange juice, cumming, etc.
The color orange, the number 2, words/names that start with the letters B and L (both on the 2nd wheel of my Alphabet Wheel theory) and words/names that start with O and Y, on the right side wheel.
Other words such as sex, water, seeds (semen = sea-men), fish, boys (2nd chakra represents being a boy (Son-day), the bass guitar, which I believe is a 2nd chakra item (drums are 1, bass 2, guitar 3, piano 4, vocals 5), etc.
The corresponding ball sport is Basketball.
(Jupiter is a big orangish planet, just like the big orange basketball, which = libido/sex.)
The element is water.
Many of the Sacral Chakra words/activities above will be flashed by those around you or those you follow online, who are purposely doing this to help you activate this chakra.
Here is a perfect example of a typical Sunday, Sacral Chakra happening. I wake for the day (12/8/2019) and this is what is topping the trending stories on Twitter, my main source for news. A rapper I’ve never heard of before (because he only began to exist today, seemingly) with the name Juice. It’s only happening because today is “juice” day:
Here is an absurd orange flashing example, which I just viewed on my Twitter feed on a Sunday (5/17/20). It’s some woman pointing to the color orange:
Monday = Mars = Solar Plexus Chakra = Yellow = 3
Focus on lighting a fire/flame within. Solar Plexus Chakra represents fire, fear, heat, fighting, anger, friendship (doing physical things together, working together, dissing each other, etc), piss/urine, beer.
The color yellow, the number 3, words/names that start with the letters C and K (both on the 3rd wheel of my Alphabet Wheel theory) and words/names that start with the letters P and X, on the right side wheel.
Other words such as fire, hot, friends, lemon, sand/dirt/ash, eating carbs (creates heat inside), digestive system, hernia, etc.
The corresponding ball sport is:
Element is Fire.
Many of the Solar Plexus Chakra words/activities above will be flashed by those around you or those you follow online, who are purposely doing this to help you activate this chakra.
As an example, this is the kind of thing you’ll see on a Monday. This tweet is jam packed with things all representing the 3rd chakra: the word yellow, urine, the yellow bus:
This is another example of the kind of thing you’ll see on a Monday OR after sunset on a Sunday (Monday eve, when this was posted, 10:50pm, Sunday). This Reddit post is clearly flashing the word “friends” (3rd chakra) and also depicting Peppers (C/K/P/X) (3rd letter), AND the color yellow (3rd color), while also showing a wedding ring on the ring finger (3rd chakra representation):
I know you’re probably thinking a wedding ring = love (4, not 3). I believe it equals friendship (3). I’m not sure how this reality truly works, but getting married = being close friends with one another and deciding to join together to try to REALLY fall in (unconditional) love. So, it’s represented by the 3rd finger, the ring finger.
The ultimate goal is to move from the yellow/3rd chakra/friends stage to the green/4th/heart stage. And this takes place DURING the marriage, even though many couples never fully get there.
Forefinger = 1 (root, red, “I’m #1 (imagine the giant foam finger fans use in sports).
Middle finger = 2 (sacral, orange, “fuck you”, get it?).
Ring finger = 3 (solar plexus, yellow, friendship.
Pinky finger = 4 (heart chakra, pink/green, unconditional love).
Thumb = 5 (throat chakra, blue, communication/creativity).
Tuesday = Earth = Heart Chakra = Green/Pink = 4
Focus on doing heart based activities. Use the word love on a regular basis and try to do the things you love the most. Try to feel something in your heart, try to smile, try to express unconditional love. Watch for people purposely smiling at you, especially on the social media accounts you follow.
The colors green and pink, the number 4, words/names that start with the letters D and J (both on the 4th wheel of my Alphabet Wheel theory), Q and W on the right side wheel.
Other words such as laughter, hugs/hugging, balance, peace, veggies, dad, little girl/daughter, etc.
The corresponding ball sport is: Tennis
(A sport between two people or two couples which reflects relationships on Earth (the green ball = the greenery of Earth.)
Element is Air (nope, not Earth, oddly enough).
(NOTE: I've noticed that gold gets flashed a lot on Tuesday, as well. Shiny gold clothing, gold coins, etc. Gold is the result of heart (green) and fire (yellow), which in the proper combination = gold = laughter (a form of love) (comedy gold).
Many of the Heart Chakra words/activities above will be flashed by those around you or those you follow online, who are purposely doing this to help you activate this chakra.
Here is a perfect example of a post that happened on a Tuesday. You’ll see weird tweets like this that involve crimes or horror stories, but have someone giving a giant smile (which is totally inappropriate) only because Tuesday is “smile day”:
This is also a typical example; the President saying he loves someone…on a Tuesday (love day):
Oh look, it’s Tuesday, 7/7/2020 and this is the top trending tweet. I wonder why?
It’s always happening. Today, Tuesday, Heart Chakra day (hugging day/hearts pressed together). This is trending #1 on Twitter by someone with the initials DW (both on the 4th alphabet wheel, the Heart Chakra wheel, D/J/Q/W):
NOTE: Let’s say it’s a Tuesday and normally you would see the color green, the number 4, etc…but for some reason you keep seeing the number 3 or the color yellow, etc, this is probably an indicator that you still have not activated Monday’s chakra (solar plexus) and THEY are trying to tell you, you are still at 3. This can happen on any day of the week, regarding the particular color for that day. Check out extensive, awesome proof of this kind of thing happening, here.
Wednesday = Venus = Throat Chakra = Blue = 5
Communicating, creating. Anything that has to do with using your mouth (teeth), ears, throat, hands. Hands often move while we are speaking, which is why they correspond with the Throat Chakra. You use your hands to “make things”, to write, for sign language, etc. Try to act cool (higher frequency). Kissing (mouth).
The color blue, the number 5, words/names that start with the letters E and I (both on the 5th wheel of my Alphabet Wheel theory), R and V on the right side wheel.
The corresponding ball sport is: Baseball
(One of the most communicative sports, hand signals being used, the bases reflect fooling around (kissing, feeling up, etc which are 5th chakra activities.)
Element is Sound.
Many of the Throat Chakra words/activities above will be flashed by those around you or those you follow online, who are purposely doing this to help you activate this chakra.
Here is a perfect example of the kind of coded posts you will see on a Wednesday, blue day, “cool” day:
And here are a couple tweets that just came in on a different Wednesday (10/23). Notice 500 in the bottom one (5, is the key) and the blue reference in the top, back to back…because…um…Wednesday:
And here we have another perfect example of flashing multiple 5s, at the very top of my feed, on a Wednesday (7/8/2020):
Thursday = Mercury = 3rd Eye Chakra = Indigo = 6
Seeing/thinking/smelling. Things that have to do with the eyes, nose, and brain. Using a camera to take pictures. It seems that on this day, someone (possibly the mother, who corresponds with the 6th chakra, the all seeing eye) will be receiving pictures of what you’re looking at. The idea is to “feast” your eyes.
The color indigo, the number 6, words/names that start with the letters F and H (both on the 6th wheel of my Alphabet Wheel theory), S and U on the right side wheel.
Images of eyes or glasses (VR goggles for instance) or of brains. People saying things like “that’s gorgeous!” or “that looks amazing” in emails, online, or in person.
The corresponding ball sport is: Golf
(Tiny ball = the planet Mercury, which is highly communicative and less physically demanding that virtually all other sports).
Element is Light/Sight.
Many of the Third Eye Chakra words/activities above will be flashed by those around you or those you follow online, who are purposely doing this to help you activate this chakra.
Here is a perfect example of a Thursday tweet. This was atop my feed and not only is it depicting the number 6, it is flashing the color indigo, it has the word Facebook (F) and it’s mentioning “Oculus”, which is directly related to the eye/eyes. They’ve jam packed 4 direct Third Eye Chakra references in one tweet:
The following is the typical kind of random nonsense I see, that is clearly coded/on purpose. At the top of my Twitter Trends “For You” on Thursday, 6 day, 7/9/2020: “Motel 6”.
(It’s trending because an NBA basketball player instagrammed a picture of the hotel room he was given at Disney Resort calling it a Motel 6, when obviously the room was much nicer than a typical Motel 6. Not that any of that matters when all of this is just a manipulation set up to flash me the number 6 on a Thursday.)
I wasn’t going to add more examples, but here is a pretty obvious one. It’s a Thursday (F/H/S/U day) and Harrison Ford is trending today. The key to all this chakra day nonsense is that nothing here truly matters. It’s all set up on purpose as part of a reflection of this system/school.
So, while most people who believe this reality is NOT coded would see something like this and think it’s just some actor pissing on the movie franchise that he’s a part of (god bless him), it’s actually just code and meant to be displayed on a Thursday. F for Force, H for Harrison, F for Ford, and his main character (H)an (S)olo, S for Star Wars, etc. (F/H/S/U). The Third Eye resides in the Sky/Stars, as well:
Friday = Sun = Crown Chakra = Purple/White = 7
Spirit. Receiving info from source (Sun). Today is FRY day, which means being shot into the sun, so to speak. The goal is to take it easy physically. Meditate, ponder life, etc.
"Thank God It’s Friday (TGIF)”, is because the letter G is the 7th letter of the alphabet and corresponds with the color purple and with the number 7 in this reality, which corresponds with most of the important systems in place here:
7 days of the week, 7 deadly sins, 7 chakras, 7 colors of the prism/rainbow, 7 “classical” planets visible with naked eye from Earth, 7 billion population, 7 big keys on a piano, 7 heavens, 7 seas, 7 continents, 7 wonders of the World, etc.
The colors purple and white, words such as spiritual, meditation, god, king, queen, crown, etc. Words/names beginning with a G or T. The G is alone, by itself, directly in the middle of the left side wheels of my Alphabet Wheels theory, the T is alone, by itself, directly in the middle of the right side wheels.
The corresponding ball sport is: Pool.
(It’s the least physically demanding, most communicative ball sport which combines 7 colored balls which are a reflection of all the chakras in the prism.)
Element is Thought.
Many of the Crown Chakra words/activities above will be flashed by those around you or those you follow online, who are purposely doing this to help you activate this chakra.
Here is a perfect example of the kind of thing that will happen on a Friday. Notice these are the top two tweets on my feed, one after another in succession. One has a guy featured, wearing a super obvious purple shirt, the one below that features the name George (G, 7th letter):
This was posted on Friday, 7/10/2020 with the only intention of flashing me the number 7, on 7 day (I don’t buy anything in this reality, so I am not affected or afraid of no pandemic):
I’ve also noticed that on Fridays, it sometimes appears that the people/news/tweets/etc around me will focus on flashing a single color/symbol that I may have not collected properly during the week (like constantly seeing green, people smiling, etc) even though Friday is purple/white day.
OR this may be a symbol of them trying to tell me I’ve only made it to that color for the week, as if I wasn’t capable of completing the “rainbow/prism” of remaining colors in order to completely balance my chakra system.
chakras/planets - general theories and observations
Little girls are a combination of red and white, which is why they are associated with the color pink. They want attention like a baby (red) but are also full of higher energy, spirit, light (white).
They reside directly between 7 (white, Sun, source) and 1 (red, Saturn, blood/gravity). Directly in between 1 and 7 is 4, which is the Heart Chakra.
Even though the Heart Chakra is normally associated with the color green, most people who know a lot about the chakra system know the heart chakra resonates pink in the middle of the green.
Green represents "daddy" and pink represents "daddy's little girl" (this is my own theory).
Human = Hue-man. We have this designation because we project colors related to our frequency and our chakras. The unseen forces we cannot perceive, and even some humans, are able to see these colors and then judge/utilize us based on what colors we resonate with.
Of course drums are so substantial and such a pain in the ass to move around, set up, most physically taxing to play, etc. Drums correspond with the ROOT chakra, which = grounded to Earth.
Root = red = wants attention/power (a baby) = the banging sounds drums make, which gets the most attention, is the most annoying, the most physical, uses the legs (roots), etc. The drummer in the band also is in control of the entire band, so to speak, with everyone else following his/her lead. This parallels a baby taking control of their parent’s lives because of the responsibility involved.
A bass guitar is held low while being played, which corresponds with the 2nd chakra on the body (Sacral, sexuality, orange). A regular guitar is held a bit higher up on the body and corresponds with the 3rd chakra (Solar Plexus, fire, friends, shredding/burning).
I theorize that Piano corresponds with the 4th (heart) chakra. The black and white keys are a pretty good indicator. Black is on one end of the spectrum, white on the other, and directly in between is the heart chakra, green.
The singer/vocalist of the band has the least physically taxing role. You just need your voice and a mic. Hence why it's on the top end of the spine (5th chakra, Throat Chakra) furthest away from the 1st chakra (Root Chakra, drums). The Throat Chakra represents being on the verge of leaving Earth/the body/the spine. The next chakra in line, The 6th, Third Eye Chakra, represents mind, space, being out of the spine/body.
Thanksgiving is always on a Thursday because Thursday is "all seeing eye/3rd eye chakra day”. ThirdsDay.
Somehow, someone, somewhere (who is not here) gets to see through everyone’s eyes on Thursdays. So, on Thanksgiving, this someone gets to visually enjoy the remaining families and family members all together at once.
Families = roots = root chakra/red/blood (Saturn) and this is why there are NFL football games played on Thanksgiving day. Football = Root Chakra = families eating together at the dinner table.
“TGIF” (Thank God It's Friday) is code because Friday, the actual 7th day of the week, is Crown Chakra day. It corresponds with G (#7 in the alphabet). You're thanking God it's Friday because that day actually corresponds with the King/Queen (Crown Chakra), God, G, 7, The Sun, etc.
The Most Popular/Watched Ball Sports Represent The Planets And Chakras
Let's talk about the most popular/televised ball sports on the planet, specifically the United States. And let's talk about the physicality of each of them (how stressful, how physically taxing each is to play) and then rank them from the most physically taxing, to the least.
While we do that, let's simply ponder the major solar system bodies that are visible from Earth with the naked eye (Saturn, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Sun). And let’s designate these planets/sun as representing the popular ball sports from most physically taxing to the least, in order, like we are doing above.
Let's assume that the more physical a sport/planet is, the further away from the Sun it would need to reside in order to stay cool. If the sport/planet is so physically taxing, it wouldn't need or desire the warmth of the Sun to keep its "body" warm.
Since the furthest planet away from the Sun, but still visible with the naked eye from Earth, is Saturn, let's assume this is most physically taxing/violent ball sport. Not the most popular, but the most physically taxing “popular” ball sport.
Now, before thinking too hard about which popular ball sports are the most physically taxing and without taking into consideration sports like lacrosse, field hockey, and volleyball (which are not as popular as the other sports that are watched on TV, followed by fans, etc), take a look at Saturn below, and blur your eyes.
What ball does the entire, general shape of Saturn, remind you of?
If you consider the massive ring as part of its shape, it's crystal clear that Saturn takes the form of a football (with eyes blurd). And, if you ponder the most physically taxing "ball" sports, it's also crystal clear that:
Saturn represents Football/Rugby and is the most physically taxing ball sport on earth.
I believe Saturn represents the 1st chakra (Root Chakra). It’s symbolic of what keeps you grounded to Earth. It represents blood (roots = veins, roots = family) and the desire for power/control. A football is red or brownish red and the goal is to tackle someone down to the ground while they try to score. You should google George Carlin's bit about football representing the battlefield.
Another key point I will make about each of these planets/balls sports, as we move towards the Sun, is that they will all correspond with when they are most prominently played during the calendar year. They all correspond with the seasons, according to temperature.
I've said that I believe the further away from the Sun you are, the less warmth you need, so it would make sense that the most physically violent BALL sport is played during the winter, which is when the NFL plays its season, each year.
Also, Saturn now has the most moons of any planet. I believe this is because people like to watch battle/fighting/blood/violence, etc. Moons = the amount of people who enjoy watching something, which “warms” them up, so to speak. Exciting sports, physical sports, etc.
Ok, so if Saturn is #1 and it represents Football, the most physically taxing ball sport, then what is the next most physical ball sport?
Let's simply look at the next planet in line, going towards the Sun. You know, that big orange-ish ball of a planet?
(ok, maybe I enhanced the orange a bit)
Jupiter represents Basketball and is the 2nd most physically taxing ball sport on Earth.
The game of basketball features constant movement, constant up and down the court running, the jumping, all the boxing out (which involves very physical contact), etc.
Jupiter/Basketball represents the 2nd chakra (Sacral Chakra), which happens to be the color orange, corresponding with the ball and the planet. The Sacral Chakra is mostly known for sex and I'll let you ponder why basketball is dominated by black players (they're called "ballers" for a reason).
The NBA season is ALSO in the winter, which corresponds with the "played in a colder season because it doesn't need the warmth" thing I am proposing.
But as I mentioned above, as you move towards the Sun, the less crazy or physically violent a planet will be. Battle/fighting (blood) is more potent/violent than fucking (cum), hence why Saturn is further away from the Sun and Jupiter is closer.
Jupiter has the second most moons (metaphor for people watching) because it = sex and people watching porn (or each other). Jupiter had 69 moons for many years, btw, which makes the coded, metaphoric nonsense of this reality make even more sense.
So, going by the formula above, the next chakra in line is the 3rd chakra (Solar Plexus Chakra). Going by the formula above, the next planet in line going towards the Sun is Mars.
Mars represents Soccer and is the 3rd most physically taxing ball sport on Earth.
Mars = The YELLOW-ish (Dessert) Planet.
Even though Mars is called the Red Planet because the light it reflects from the Sun appears red with the naked eye, it definitely is a dull yellow color. It’s more reminiscent of a traditional dessert, which directly corresponds with the 3rd chakra (fire, sand, yellow).
NASA is also constantly altering photos of Mars to make them appear more red than they actually are.
(You can see from a recent story in the graphic directly above this sentence, the REAL color of Mars.)
So, the color of Mars, the next planet in line, seems to correspond with the next chakra in line (3rd), but how does it all relate to soccer? Soccer is less physically taxing than pro-basketball. Even though they both have similar amounts of running, basketball has more physical contact and more scoring. It’s generally considered a more exciting sport to watch on TV, especially for Americans.
Another key: if football (Saturn) represents blood and basketball (Jupiter) represents cum, then soccer represents exactly what the 3rd chakra represents. The spark.
Doing physical activities together (but with an energy not as intense as bleeding or cumming). The 3rd chakra represents friendship.
Mars has two moons, the 3rd most of the “visible with the naked eye” planets. Even though soccer is the most played sport on Earth, it’s not the most watched or most exciting/high scoring/physical. It’s clearly lower on the totem pole than football and basketball….and less physical.
Ok, so next planet in line is Earth. If you simply take into consideration that relationships between two people are what propagate the species on the planet, you realize that Earth definitely corresponds with the next chakra in line, the Heart Chakra (#4).
The Heart Chakra is represented by the color green. Earth (4) is the only planet in our solar system with life, with greenery (trees, plants, etc). It represents the balance between 1 (Saturn) and 7 (Sun). And if you weren’t already aware, Earth is also an anagram of the word heart!
So, if we're talking about two people playing some ball sport with each other (or even couples playing with other couples), and we consider what the next most physically taxing ball sport is, and we ponder a ball sport generally played on a green court, with a green ball…
Earth represents Tennis and is the 4th most/least physically taxing ball sport on Earth.
Even though some people perceive the ball as more yellow, it's an illusion. It’s only happening because Earth is supposed to be completely green, but is yellowish in many areas currently.
The Earth’s dessert area is reminiscent of the sand/yellow of Mars (3rd chakra). This is because of an imbalance currently that is leaning towards male/yellow, instead the perfect balance between yellow (Mars, 3) and blue (Venus, 5), which = green (Earth, 4).
I won’t get into that here, but it’s why I believe times are so strange right now regarding the male vs female (trans) stuff constantly in the media.
The back and forth of the playing on a tennis court = a clock pendulum moving back and forth. TIME. The illusion of time spent here with each other. The back and forth of Mars (male) and Venus (female).
Also, as we're moving closer to the Sun, with each planet/ball sport, tennis is not generally played in cold weather. It is sometimes played indoors, but is mostly played outside, during warmer weather. So, my seasons theory is still completely valid. The ball sports (planets) furthest away from the Sun are played in colder temperatures. The ball sports closer to the Sun are played in warmer temperatures.
It’s because as we move closer to the Sun, the less physical and exciting the most popular ball sports become, as you’ll see even more as I continue.
Ok, so now we're up to planet number 5 of the seven bodies visible by the naked eye from Earth. Venus corresponds with the 5th chakra, the Throat Chakra.
We know that as we get closer to the Sun, the most popular remaining ball sports become less and less physically taxing/violent...and seemingly are also becoming more "mind" based, more "communicative", because they involve less physicality. We went from Football, to Basketball, to Soccer, to Tennis. So, now we're at Venus, and I theorize:
Venus represents Baseball and is the 3rd least physically taxing ball sport on Earth.
Baseball is even less physically taxing than tennis. If you classify baseball and softball as basically the same thing, think about corporate softball games where any employee can play, usually no matter what age. These types of games involve a ton of communication/banter, which directly corresponds with the Throat Chakra.
Baseball is also a sport that involves "fooling around" metaphors. “Which base did you get to with that girl/guy last night?” These metaphors involve the hands and mouth (both 5th chakra body parts).
Throat chakra represents communication, which = mouth AND hands. Just observe people in conversation to watch their hands assist in expressing what they are communicating. 1st base (kissing), 2nd base (feeling up breasts), 3rd base (oral sex). All hands and mouth.
I’m not really sure how going “home” (the 4th base) really applies here because that usually represents genital sex, which is a 1st/2nd chakra activity. If anyone can help me work that out, let me know.
Baseball also involves a coach giving hand signs as signals to the players on the field. It's sign language, basically, which absolutely corresponds with the 5th chakra. Baseball’s also played during the spring and summer, which corresponds with the season, temperature thing, and the players are often just hanging out on the bench/in the bullpen talking to each other, which is Throat Chakra, more communicative, less physical.
Most of the time, the players (other than the pitcher and the batter) are standing still on the field (less physical than Tennis, which has constant movement during play).
And while pro baseball is highly watched, it’s not usually considered one of the more “exciting to watch” sports like Football or Basketball.
Alright, so now we're up to Mercury and the most prominent feature of Mercury is that it's a tiny white planet. I mean, this one is just obvious:
Mercury represents Golf and is the 2nd least physically taxing (popular) ball sport.
We're talking about a ball sport that involves very little physical activity. You swing a club periodically while walking (or golf carting) around a park. And you do this while in silence or while having conversation while looking directly at someone else. It’s more mental (less physical) than any other ball sport, so far.
Golf is also generally played in warm weather, as ground conditions in cold climate are unsatisfactory. It’s also commonly played by senior citizens, proving it’s not very physically taxing.
Mercury represents the 6th chakra (Third Eye Chakra) and represents being closest to the Sun (7). It represents the eyes and the brain because it resides out of the spine…in the head. This means it would need to be closer to the Sun to stay warm.
Mercury has no moons because who the hell enjoys watching golf on TV?
(no offense to the 3 people who will read this and admit that they do.)
So, now we're at the Sun and this one is pretty cool. There is one very popular ball sport left and it's played by more people than any other ball sport. It's the least physically taxing. It's the most communicative.
The Sun represents Pool and is the #1, least physically taxing ball sport on Earth.
Playing pool is a very social, communicative game, mostly played at bars or parties/get-togethers, can be played by virtually anyone, etc.
Now here's the cool part. In pool, you go through 7 colors before getting to 8 ball. These colors correspond with all the chakra colors that have just led to this point.
They begin with Saturn (red) (Root Chakra) and end with the Sun (purple) (Crown Chakra). It also happens the Sun itself is scientifically comprised of all colors in the prism and is visually white (not yellow, which is a result of atmospheric conditions on Earth).
You also have a white ball at the very start (the cue ball) and a black ball at the very end (8 ball). This represents the complete top and bottom of the spectrum of 7 colors in between.
Regarding why one of the colors is maroon in place of indigo. This is perplexing to me and I know there has to be some metaphysical purpose. My theory would have been perfect had it not been for this one glitch. If you have a gut instinct about what it may mean, please let me know.
Most physically taxing, popular/watched ball sports, corresponding with the planets, corresponding with the chakras, from the most physically taxing to the least. From the least communicative to the most:
1 = Football - Red/brown ball = Saturn (1st, Root Chakra). Power/blood (baby). Far from Sun = played in fall/winter.
2 = Basketball - Orange ball = Jupiter (2nd, Sacral Chakra). Sex/cum. A bit closer, but still far from the Sun = played in fall/winter.
3 = Soccer - Mars (3rd, Solar Plexus Chakra). Friendship/spark. Closer to the Sun, less physical than basketball or football.
4 = Tennis - Green ball, green court = Earth (4th, Heart Chakra). A couple/couples playing together (heart). Back and forth between male and female = pendulum of the clock, otherwise knows as TIME together. Even closer to the Sun, not generally played in cold weather (can be played indoors).
5 = Baseball - Pearly white ball with a slight yellowish tinge = Venus (5th, Throat Chakra). Fooling around - the different bases, throat chakra activities involving mouth and hands. Even closer to the Sun = less physicality involved than most other sports = played in spring and summer (closer to sun = warmer seasons).
6 = Golf - Tiny white ball, = Mercury (6th, Third Eye Chakra). The players looking at each other while talking to each other while playing (major mental activity). Right next to the Sun because there is hardly any physicality involved.
7 = Pool/Billiards - All 7 chakra colors in one ball game = Sun (7th, Crown Chakra) It's the least physical, most mental, most communicative (having fun, hanging out while drinking, talking, etc), anyone can play it. Bill is my father’s name and I believe the Sun = the Father (BILLiards).
(couple additional sports)
0 = Pro Hockey - Pro Hockey is ACTUALLY the most physical, relatively popular “ball-ish” sport on Earth. It's more physically taxing than Football, when you add in the physical violence during games, where men are punching each other in the face.
So, you have a BLACK puck, which represents Uranus (YOUR ANUS), the next planet after Saturn. The key is that it can’t be seen from Earth with the naked eye = so it’s black, below red of the root chakra. Farther than Saturn from the Sun = played on ice and played in fall and winter, as well. Uranus is an Ice Giant planet.
The physical violence of actual fist fights prevents Hockey from being a more popular "ball" sport, hence why the puck is only a ball in 2D, not 3D (THINK ABOUT IT).
The puck literally represents a black hole (0) because of the physical violence of the fighting. It’s metaphorically right below the Root Chakra, the bottom of spine, the shit coming out of the anus. Uranus.
Is it possible that since Uranus is supposedly becoming more visible with the naked eye from Earth, that Hockey will soon become a bigger sport and maybe the puck will change into an actual ball? Maybe they will ban the fist fights?
Bowling - Is this a missing planet? It’s definitely one of the least stressful physical sports involving a ball). And it’s very communicative/social (similar to pool when played in groups, for fun, etc). It can be played alone. Not popular on TV and also not many bowling alleys left.
Data = da da = daddy.
The math, the data, is basically “God” in this reality. Dad's ruling system of the reality his children find themselves currently in.
Famous people signing autographs = signing a contract with the devil.
People/robots/projections being placed in your path on a regular basis and asking you for your autograph are there simply as a reminder that you made a deal. The signature each time is just continual verification of signing your soul away for the fame you’ve received, which is artificial.
You can do anything in paradise. The secret is, you're being watched by an audience. Hence you're "naked".
Once you find this out, you are vulnerable and decide to “cover up”. As a result, the show is just not the same.
Those who were watching don't like this and you're cast out and THE SHOW IS OVER.
Millennium - Milena M.
I meet and get engaged to a girl named Milena M. in 1998, right before the upcoming Millennium, even though I broke it off.
There HAS to be some significance with “Milena M” sounding so similar to “Millennium" and us coming together to possibly be married exactly when the Millennium was beginning.
I also happened to become a multi millionaire during the Millennium (millionaire, millennium, same deal), just a couple years after breaking up with Milena M.
It was almost as if by not choosing to be with her, I chose to continue to pursue money/career and became a millionaire because of it. The concept of choosing money over marriage. Mil-lion over Mil-ena.
There is also the numerology aspect of the 1900's representing the number 1 (1+9=10, 1+0=1) and the new Millennium representing the number 2, as in the 2000s. 2 (couple) vs 1 (single). So, it makes even more sense that it was probably some set up to choose a mate before the 1 became a 2, but I bowed out.
(I'm not remotely close to a millionaire anymore, for obvious reasons. I've sacrificed everything in my life for the sake of what I'm illustrating on this site and am virtually moneyless/homeless now.)
Testicles = nuts = crazy enough to suspend your disbelief…
...and to participate in life without thinking about it.
Doing this makes you more physical, more animalistic, more male. Hence, nuts.
The Anunnaki Mining Gold Thing…
…is just a metaphor for the mining of love and laughter. Gold = "Comedy gold”.
(If you’re unfamiliar with the origin of “Anunnaki Mining Earth For Gold”, feel free to google it online to see what others say, which does not include the metaphoric meaning I’ve given it above.)
Comedy is usually derived from some form of minor (or major) tragedy of people who believe their reality is real. The comedian shares a story/tragedy that can be related to. That relation causes laughter. BUT you need to buy into your reality for it to matter and for it to be funny.
Laughter/love = gold = a form of energy the Anunnaki cannot collect from any source other than having created (or having stumbled on) a land full of pawns/humans who interact with one another and create drama. These pawns then have to deal with that drama, not realizing that it’s all been a set up in order to get us to feel something, to love, to laugh.
This laughter is an expression of utilizing the 4th chakra (heart, love) and the 3rd chakra (solar plexus, fire) in conjunction. The perfect combination of heart (green) and fire (yellow) = the color gold, which is derived from laughing.
Hollywood = Holly (green) and wood (as in "getting wood" (yellow), which once again, is the combination of heart and fire that = gold. Hollywood is creating fictional stories based on the forced, limited existence that humans (pawns) have on Earth. They do this in order to create emotion…and then laughter, which can be utilized as energy/gold.
list of all entries on this page, ordered by date.