1/20/2019: son of god
I’m re-reading a series of books called “The Game is Life” by Terry Schott. It’s one of the most enjoyable reads I’ve had in years because it explores alternative concepts about what reality truly is…and some of it is completely on point with what I’ve experienced. If you can make it past the relatively shoddy first book, the rest of the series is great.
In the books, one of the main characters is named Elliot and he belongs to a group of what you might call angels. I pondered that he represented the Elohim, just based on the El part of his name. I then decided to research the Elohim and saw a link on Wikipedia to the “highest ranked angels” in Judaism and began reading that, as well. You can see me searching in google:
You can see here, that the Angels in Judaism link shown in my history has a section at the bottom of the page that ranks the top 10 angels:
Right as I was reading that information, I got an alert that someone commented on one of my youtube videos. Here is the comment that suddenly came in:
Jack Alpha is commenting on a video from my channel that features the number 8 in a segment. But, this just happens to coincide with me researching the top 10 angels…literally THAT moment.
Here is my reply to the “guy”, which just shows you how this shit goes down in real time:
So, as I’m reading about the top ten angels, some random guy comments on one of my videos that I’m #8 of 10? #8 is Sons of Godly beings. Alright then, I guess I’m a son of a godly being. Good enough for me.