Back In 2009 I Experimented With Marijuana.
Marijuana does not have a positive effect on me. While vaping or eating edibles, I actually began to "channel" various entities who seemed to be doing things through me, while using my body.
All I had to do was get stoned and then relax my body/mind completely and just feel the energy coming through me and let it take over my movements. Activities such as boxing, dancing, dribbling a basketball in intricate ways like a Harlem Globetrotter, double dutch jumprope (something I've never done but was suddenly motioning/moving like I was an expert at it) etc. I have video during that time that I have not posted online yet because I need to have it digitized.
I realized that marijuana was opening me up and allowing other entities to jump on board and to share their bodies/history, through me. THIS is why it's usually more enjoyable to eat and snack while stoned. It’s a shared experience.
Eating also helps ground yourself when you’re getting too “high”. I theorize that the fact that it feels so good is actually the result of some non-physical entity suddenly being able to experience physicality/food via the stoned body they've jumped into.
They LOVE the fact that they can eat again, hence why it's more enjoyable to the stoned person while doing it, even though they have no idea what's REALLY happening.
The weaker your immune system or your mental/emotional makeup is, the more susceptible you are to actually being fully possessed by whoever is able to influence your body while doing drugs. In 2009, I was simply in a bad state, which allowed beings to come through me in greater detail. I was never fully possessed, but at times it certainly was difficult to control my own body.
I don't experiment with pot regularly anymore but every couple of years I will eat an edible to see what effect it has on me. Marijuana mostly just causes my mind to race with many thoughts seemingly being beamed into my head from elsewhere/other entities.
The strangest phenomenon I experience relates to the “channeling” episodes I mentioned above. While I don’t try to channel anymore, I still began to feel very strange body sensations while stoned. It’s as if I feel the bodies of other people who reside in some other dimension/reality. The following is an example of what I mean:
Today I had an edible for the first time in years and the initial feeling I begin to get is that I want to close my eyes. But it's not like it's ME wanting to do this. It’s as if someone is inside me or sharing my body and they’re fully asleep in some bed somewhere. It’s as if I am immediately being affected by this because I’m stoned and sharing their energy/body. It's as if I'm them in some way and crossing over to their reality, where they are asleep. So, my body is physically mimicking them, by #1 getting really tired, and #2, actually feeling as if I need to reposition myself into their exact sleep position, or else my body will feel strained and begin to hurt.
I contemplate that this other person is in the process of dreaming and is sharing my body/reality while they're in their own REM state. This is actually something I’ve theorized in my own sleep research. The idea that when we go to sleep and dream, there are times our spirit/etheric body simply resides in other’s people bodies along with them. We then experience their world, as our dream. It’s why we don’t completely feel like ourselves in many dreams and sometimes wake up pondering stuff like “what the hell was I just doing?”.
The question is…who is this person that is sharing my body while I’m stoned? Do we resonate on similar frequencies? Are they in a parallel dimension? Is it me in another form? Does that "me" know the full truth and I’m the one in the dark on what is occurring?
I theorize that the feeling of being stoned from the use of marijuana may simply be the result of me opening myself up, which allows another entity (or more than one entity) to suddenly be able to reside within me/shadow me. And then, I’m channeling their spirit/energy, as a result.