9/16/2016: kendall sculpture
My Argus table top sculptures arrived today. This is the email showing they were scheduled to arrive (this company did not send an additional email saying when they actually arrived), but I received them today:
I happen to go to twitter just minutes after receiving the package & Kendall Jenner is suddenly being mentioned because she is staying in some 27 million dollar place in NYC. The picture of this place has the EXACT ITEM I bought, showing on the table in the photo:
Kendall has been on my mind recently because I saved a pic of her to my computer a couple days ago for another entry and I would say she is the probably the best Kardashian (personality), which isn’t exactly saying much.
This is just another perfect example of how my reality is being manipulated to reflect my thoughts and actions and often times involves "shout outs" by the people/celebrities/things I give attention to or even remotely think about.