1/24/2018: double blue pointers

I’ve been led to believe by consistent messages around me that the days of the week correspond with the 7 chakras and that I’m supposed to do things that resonate with the corresponding chakra for each day. It’s not something I’ve chosen to participate in or to buy into, but I continue to get proof that this system is in place and is supposed to be followed.

[further explanation of the "chakra days” theory]

Today is Wednesday, which means it’s "throat chakra day" and represented by the color blue, the number 5, communication, creativity, hands, etc. Be “cool”, talk to people, write something (pen/pencil), sing, collect the color blue with my eyes, use my hands to communicate (pointing, for instance).

So, first thing this morning, this tweet shows up on my Twitter feed:

Two people standing together, wearing blue and seemingly pointing directly at me. Kinda weird, but I'd be crazy to read into that as something meaningful, right?

Well, a little later, the SAME DAY, this tweet showed up on my feed (I only follow between 5-20 accounts on Twitter at any given time, btw):

Two people...standing together...pointing directly at me AGAIN and one is wearing a blue shirt and the other is surrounded by blue. The AI that manipulates my reality is sure making it obvious today is throat chakra day. Welcome to my absurd reality.

[further explanation of the "chakra" days theory]


(REMINDER: I only follow between 5-20 (usually around 10) twitter accounts at any given time, out of over 300 million active users. The statistical probability of these kinds of syncs happening randomly, and on a regular basis like they do, is virtually zero. They are happening on purpose.)